To meet University immunization requirements for measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, and if living on-campus, meningitis, you can either (a) complete steps to request your State Immunization Registry records, or (b) complete the manual two-step process.
The two-step process includes entering dates and uploading supporting documentation. If either step is not completed, you will be considered Not Compliant. To complete the manual two-step process, please enter the following:
Required if living in University Housing
Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm
Saturday & Sunday
Student Health Services is closed in observance of University holidays.
There is not a COVID-19 vaccination requirement. On December 5, 2023, the COVID-19 Vaccination Interim Policy was decommissioned.
MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) – 2 doses
Varicella (Chicken Pox) – 2 doses
Meningitis - Meningococcal Quadrivalent - Required if living in University housing
MMR , recommend providing laboratory evidence of immunity/titer or scheduling an appointment to receive two doses of vaccine, separated by a minimum of 4 weeks.
Varicella , recommend providing documentation of disease by a healthcare provider, laboratory evidence of immunity/titer, or scheduling an appointment to receive two doses of vaccine, separated by a minimum of 4 weeks.
Meningitis , recommend scheduling an appointment to receive a single dose of quadrivalent meningococcal ACWY vaccine.
To schedule an appointment, you can either self-schedule through Student Health’s Patient Portal or call (412) 383-1800 during normal business hours.
A student may be granted a medical exemption from immunization based on a written statement from a physician, or their designee, that the immunization may be detrimental to the health of the student. The medical exemption attestation statement should include the name of the student, printed name of the medical provider, signature of the provider, date of signature, and contact information for the provider.
An exemption from immunization also may be granted based on a student’s written objection to the immunization on religious grounds or based on a moral or ethical conviction. The religious or moral/ethical exemption attestation statement should include a short rationale for the requested exemption (no more than 100 words), printed name of the student, signature of the student, and date of signature.
In the Immunization Portal:
Upon completion of above, you are considered compliant with the University’s Immunization Policy.
You will receive updates via secure message (Student Health’s Patient Portal) and email (Pitt account).
Statuses can also be viewed via the Immunization Portal.
You will see that you are Compliant in the Immunization Portal.
In the Immunization Portal, click on “View Missing Immunizations” to see Missing Immunization and Reason for Not Compliant.
As a reminder, you must Upload through the portal supporting documentation, including immunization records, exemption attestation statement, laboratory evidence of immunity, and/or healthcare provider documentation of disease.