Science in the 21st century is rich with opportunity and challenge. Our pillars for success in this complex world are all tied to interactions—between people and between disciplines. By building both strong interpersonal connections between our students and faculty, and effective bridges between disciplines, entering graduate students in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology can thrive at the frontiers of research in the chemical and life sciences.
Our graduate programs prioritize research and exploration. With many opportunities to interact with departments, research centers, and institutions across the Boston area, our students benefit from an interdisciplinary environment that encourages curiosity and innovation. Students can choose from one of our following two graduate degree programs:
Our program in Chemistry offers research and training opportunities in many subdisciplines of chemistry, including chemical biology, inorganic, organic, physical, and theoretical.
Our interdepartmental Chemical Physics program is designed for students who wish to prepare themselves for the study of chemical problems by the methods and theories of modern physics.